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Tuesday 3 April 2012

My Murder

So I missed this show when it was on TV, but some of my friends told me I should watch it.  I watched it on the internet on catch up and I must say it was one of the saddest things I have seen on TV in a while.

Firstly because of the innocent young life that was lost, to boost a ego.  I feel sorry for the mother who lost her son and now must live missing him forever.  I was shocked at the actions of the girl who lead him to be beaten up by her boyfriend, when the boy had done nothing wrong.

I was also saddened by the lost group of boys and the girl who committed the crime, it was sad to see so many young lives wasted and now these kids were going to have to spend the best years of their lives in jail.  Like poor Shaki these kids were going to miss so much for committing a senseless crime, but unlike Shaki they were still alive. 

The more I look around where I live the more groups like this I see forming.  I don't know where the aspirations for young kids have gone, where the thirst for education and desire to be better have disappeared to.  Don't get me wrong there are far more young kids who have aspirations and crave education than these kids who have joined this gang culture lifestyle, but they are put to a side and not celebrated.  These kids who cause trouble are given all the attention and all young kids a labelled with the same label.  We need to start celebrating our kids and making them realise they are special and more than just a number.  What they could become needs to be taught to them so they can look to the future.  These kids from deprived families need to see light at the end of the tunnel or we might lose a generation of good, bright, able teenagers.

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