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Tuesday 18 October 2011

Famine - One

I stole this from my friend tinuke's blog, im sure she wont mind!! Im just spreading this link which u can sign as a petition to help end famine.

The page says;

"Dear World Leaders, The famine in Somalia could kill 750,000 in the coming months, and tens of thousands have already died. When you meet at the Group of 20 (G20) Summit in November, you have the opportunity to break the cycle of famine and ensure people are hungry no more. Lives are in your hands. Please keep the promises you have made to the 2 billion poor people who depend on farming for their livelihoods."

So please guys, log on and sign the petition will take two seconds of your time.

Please spread the message :)

Jay Sean and Aleesha Dixon

Erm when the hell was this released... January 2011 apparantly - first time i have heard this song and i think its awesome - check it out

The below link is to a facebook page set up for Babar Ahmad.

"Babar Ahmad is a 37 year old British Muslim and the longest detained-without-charge British detainee held as part of the global ‘war on terror’. In December 2003 Babar was arrested at his London home under anti-terror legislation. By the time he reached the police station Babar had sustained at least 73 forensically recorded injuries, including bleeding in his ears and urine. Six days later he was released without charge.

In August 2004 Babar was re-arrested in London and taken to prison pursuant to an extradition request from the US under the controversial, no-evidence-required, Extradition Act 2003. The US has alleged that in the 1990s Babar was a supporter of “terrorism”. Babar denies any involvement in terrorism. He has now been in prison for six years even though he has not been charged in the UK.

The Free Babar Ahmad campaign are urging all supporters to sign this petition to the British government to place Babar on trial in the UK . We need 100,000 signatures before 10 November 2011 for the issue to become eligible for parliamentary debate." - Quoted from the facebook page
For the facebook page please click below;

To sign the petition please click below

Saturday 15 October 2011


First off this film is amazing get your tickets now and go watch, it is worth the money, go on why are you still sitting there go now.

The film is about two fighters who happen to be brothers but due to some circumstances lose touch with each other, mainly due to their drunk abusive father.  They both enter the same tournament due to financial hardships, one is fighting for his family, and the other is fighting for the family of his lost comrade.  Who makes the final and wins the money you will have to watch to see.

Now let me tell u straight, this film had me hooked from start to finish and had me screaming at the screen in the cinema (yes I am one of those annoying people who shouts at films - don’t judge me).  I have to say it is the best film I have seen this year by far and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it, I was a bit unhappy with the ending but only because I wanted to know more.  Who knows there may be a Warrior 2 :), I highly recommend this film – rave reviews from me. 

Friday 14 October 2011

Punjabi v grime

Two tracks of couples having a argument

Punjabi by Nature - Fitteh Moo

V Sway - F Ur Ex

Who wins you decide lol

Garry Sandhu

This guy is awesome!!!!! going to be BBBBBBBBBBBBBIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGGG in the bhangra scene!!!

The video below is about a happy couple who have some bad news!!!! The song is amazing reminds me of jinx's tune gal sun!!! so if your a jinx fan you will like this

For all you skinny waited girls!!! lol

nikey barrand - lmao!!!!

Tuesday 4 October 2011