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Tuesday 2 August 2011


AFRICA the cradle of civilisation...

The start of the greatest political movements seen by the world...

Once a place filled with Kings, Queens and Emperors...
 A continent that has seen vast amounts of blood shed...

A land who had its gold, its people stolen...

A land which had so much opportunity...
Now the land that needs help but seems to receive very little...

Africa is again at the forefront of our news coverage, but the western media seems to report about it and then forget about it when a new story comes their way.  There are thousands of people across the continent living in refugee camps because there lands are covered with widespread violence, child soldiers, death, disease and destruction.  Charity money which goes to the continent seems to be paying for the rich to stay rich and the poor to become poorer.  I’m not saying all the money that goes into the continent is spent like this, but there are large amounts of televised events that are meant to helping the continent but where is that money going?  They show certain villages that the appeals are helping but there are hundreds more that seemed to be forgotten.

The western powers were quick to jump into to war with Afghanistan and Iraq - 'Helping the People', but these people need help, why are they not sending in armies to help them stabilise there countries. 

Where are the UN when dictators such as Mugabe are left to kill their people and let them destroy their economy and ruin the lives of so many people?

Where is the help for the people of Somalia as they suffer through this awful famine?

Where is the help for the northern African people who on western media channels are shown trying to fight for the freedom of their countries from these dictatorships?

Is it because the west took everything they wanted from these nations back when the continent was colonised by European invaders?

My thoughts are with the African people and their struggle I pray it is eased, and I will pray for them everyday especially in this month of Ramadan may Allah hear mine and their prayers...

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